Welcome Aboard Mariners Alike - Malaysia Rule The Waves

its hard to describe how a man could left everything he had on land and went out to sea...
its even harder to describe how bright the stars at night and how fresh the cool morning air when you are in the middle of the ocean...
the hardest thing is to describe how close you are to death and how god could took your life at any time...
come to sea and see for yourself...


come to sea and see for yourself

this blog is dedicated to mariners,navigators and seafarers alike, merchant or naval for others to had a glimpse of what we do and what we faced in the vast blue oceans.

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Please inform in advance the owner of this site if you tend to use any postings entitled or labeled "story of watch keeping officer"..."nautical studies" and "panorama di laut biru" in this site for your website or for any other purposes.

The owner could be contacted through Facebook or email at kartefower_444@yahoo.co.uk

Thank you.

Friday, May 14, 2010

story of watchkeeping officer - teman2...

entri sebelum sign on...bertemu kawan2 mengambil senarai barang yg nk dikirim...ugh...ak kirim magnet peti ais dah laa...save skit duit aku nih...wahahaha

fisherman`s friends...few years ago...were just a bunch of kids with no clear idea of what the future would be...
sebelum sign on...ak kne jumpa member2 aku dulu...org kata last tango lepak ngan member2 sblm aku ke kapal...dok keje kat sana 6 bulan dan akan lepak ngan org2 kapal je...haha...lg pun..sblm nih aku pn jarang nk lepak ngang member2 aku nih sbb depa bdk2 U...manjang bz...ni dah abis exam maka heaven lah...so ade chance laa nk jumpa balik muka2 lama skolah zaman jahiliah dulu....haha

few years back...masing2 satu sekolah...kelas walau ada yg lain tp tetap member...baik yg boys baik yg girls..blaja sama2...gi skolah sama2...naik basikal petang2 gi ko-ku..atau bermain counterstrike di waktu pagi yg kononnya study group utk major exam...good ol days...

fast forward...member2 masing2 ntah kemana...yg oversea...oversea lah...yg dekat2 sini...ade lah chances utk jumpa...especially yg balik weekend...bila jumpa..masing2 dah tua...dah lain sikit...ada yg progressive...ada yg dah jd smokers...ada yg maintain...masing2 dah kemenara gading bak kata pujangga dgn kisah college life yg berbeza2...

aku...haha...lain skit...since aku bkn bdk U...so x berapa nk reti apa itu life di unversiti...hidupku safety boot...celestial observation...helms and master order....agak berbeza....tp tu bukan penghalang...kira ak pn dikalangan yg jadik orang gak laa...hahahaa...

so last meet...sblm ku pergi...6 bulan je...kalau aku rajin aku extend lg 2 bulan kat sana...balik boleh angkat Hilux...hahaha...

dah laa...malas tulis...xde idea dah...

-come to sea and see for yourself-

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